Used equipement cameraLooking for information about used industrial equipment doesn’t take a lot of your time if you know where to get it. Since the last years, more and more visitors around the world have found the Exapro Hub to help them get the right information for their search.

To begin, the whole Exapro team would like to thank all of you for your daily visits and attention. It’s a real pleasure to write several times per week different articles about exciting topics such as:

We want to be sure there is always something for you to read and you can learn from.

This article is the result of our wish to help you again by gathering the most viewed articles by our readers since January 2016. We thought it could be even easier for you to find in one place the same information they were looking for.

Whether you are a buyer or a seller of industrial machinery or just a curious visitor, you will certainly be interested in the following topics:

1. Advantages and disadvantages of buying new machinery

Factory girl Exapo used industrial machineryWhile the question of buying a machine can happen at any time, it’s indeed very wise to ask what benefits and drawbacks this change involved.

In this article, we talk about the issue of finance, the security aspect, but also the fact that each company is different and that the outcome of this question depends on yours. Feel free to have a look, and you will get your answer. You will then know the different factors to consider when buying a new equipment.


Advantages & disadvantages

2. Overhauling of a machine: what does it mean?

Overhauling of machinesEvery domain has its own vocabulary. The industrial domain is no exception. However, some words deserve to be explained in detail. Overhauling of a machine has not escaped the rule and you get a full explanation on our blog. You will learn first of its definition, then its benefits, and its stages. A bonus paragraph is also offered to you. Good reading.

Read also:  Printing Machines: Offset Printing

Overhauling of a machine

3. Price of Trumpf laser cutting machines

used trumpf machinesYou already know the first two articles and you want to dig deeper into your search for used equipment? We offer different articles about the market price of used industrial machinery. Trumpf laser cutting machines are a good example.

Price of Trumpf machines

4. Top 5 injection moulding machines manufacturers on the used market

injection moulding machineExapro offers regular analysis to better understand the used industrial machinery market. We did one from over 14,000 used injection moulding machines – mainly located in Europe – in order to determine this top 5. Before clicking on the button below, think of the 5 winners and then check on our page. Ready? Then, click below, the result might surprise you.

Top 5 manufacturers

5. Amada laser cutting machines for sale

Amada HFE M2 2203 - Press brakes cnc / ncIf you are like many readers very interested in Amada, read directly our article devoted to this subject. You will learn about the Amada laser cutting technology, the fiber laser cutting system, and of course some Amada machines for sale.

If the machine is not available anymore, don’t worry, you will be able to see similar machines currently for sale. Smart, isn’t it?

Amada machines for sale


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