Man checking machineAre you about to buy used equipment? Perhaps you have already chosen the model of your machine but did you ask all the right questions before spending your money?

Like any important decision for your business, there are several factors to consider to make sure you don’t spend your money unnecessarily. For instance, unlike the purchase of a new one, you can’t be sure that the used machine is in good working condition. Additional questions are necessary.

Let’s go through 5 important elements to check on any used industrial equipment before buying.

1. Is it a serious and reputable seller?

The transparency and honesty of a seller should be detected as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may lose your time or get ripped off.

It’s now possible to determine the reliability of a seller through many tools on the Internet. Research the profile of the company. Does it have positive or negative reviews? What are the experiences of previous buyers? Did they encounter problems? If yes, did the seller respond and give them a good customer experience? Also, don’t hesitate to ask for guarantees when speaking with the seller.

When your machine is added to an online marketplace for industrial machinery such as Exapro, the seller’s information is not displayed. So how can you make sure of the seller’s reliability? The answer is that an in-house multilingual agent team performs this selection. This work contributes to offering quality offers for quality exchanges. Each agent checks a list of important points to avoid any scam or loss of time that a serious buyer or seller could, unfortunately, be a victim of.

2. How many operating hours and how old is the machine?

Reading carefully the description of a machine is essential. If you are missing some information, do not hesitate to contact the seller. The question of the age of the machine and the number of hours is sometimes forgotten. It’s however essential to know for any machine as some parts will probably need to be changed. And these two elements are a good indicator to get an idea of its lifetime. The balancing element is the maintenance and parts that have been changed during the life of the machine. Don’t hesitate to ask for its maintenance history.

3. What’s included in the equipment?

As you know the type of machine you need for your company, you must make sure nothing is missing. Whatever if you decide to buy the same model or a different one. First, establish a list of the essential elements required for this equipment. Then go to the built-in options and other useful items such as the user manual. This can still be useful for your current or future operators.

Read also:  Choosing safe, heavy construction machinery on online sales

4. Can you do a machinery inspection?

Who wants to buy a car without trying it? There is a solution: doing a machinery inspection. Ideally, you can see it in person, otherwise, you can also hire a manufacturer’s representative or an expert independent inspector. Do you also know that today you can do an online inspection? The seller may be situated at several miles away from you, or in another country, and although inclined to do this inspection, the distance should not be a drag if you can make a good deal. If you don’t know the benefits of an online inspection yet, check out our article.

5. What is the operating state of the machine?

A used machine comes with wear. This is perfectly normal. But something unusual may come out during the inspection or during your conversions with the seller. What about cracks and rust on important places for the machine that could cause you significant problems for later? And additional costs. Some signs of wear may result from a significant shock in the past that have damaged equipment. So be careful.

Then, pay attention to the maintenance of the machine: fluid transmission, engine oil, coolant, hydraulic fluid, and other fluids. Finally, if the machine has an engine, check the quality of the exhaust. If the color is black, there may be a problem with the air filters (dirt) or faulty injectors. If the smoke is white, a problem with the head gasket or compression could be the source. A blue color, however, would indicate a worn seal.

In conclusion, pay close attention to the quality of the exchanges you have with the seller and check these 5 important points. The purchase and sale of used industrial equipment is a long process that requires expertise and support. Feel free to contact Exapro and visit our website to find quality machines.

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