Blur-close-up-engineering-633850 ExaproEverybody will agree with this statement: the performance of industrial machinery remains one of the keys to achieving the production goal set by a company. It’s necessary to constantly maintain them in excellent condition and to respect overhauling of machines.

However, you might face to a time when you must renew your old machines which no longer meet your performance requirements. Selling a used machinery for the first time may seem difficult at first glance, but let’s look at 5 tips to help you sell.

1. Sell Your Used Machinery Online

This may be obvious, but some of the benefits of selling via an online marketplace are still not well known. It’s actually the most effective solution to sell your used machinery.

If you publish your machine on a free marketplace for used industrial machinery such as, you can expect thousands of visits from all over the world.

You can optimize your chance of selling by providing the best description in the right category, adding pictures and videos, and you will be in touch with an agent who works behind the scenes to ensure that sellers get the serious and qualified leads they want.

As results, you save time – and money, a sales expert takes care of everything for you, and you create a privileged relationship for the future.


There are many marketplaces for used industrial machinery on the Internet, but some important criteria must be taken into consideration:

  • Buyer reliability: if a third party doesn’t check this point, you may lose time or even money if you fall victim to a scam. The Exapro’s agents will do this for each seller.
  • The number of quality visitors on the website: It’s not just about publishing your machine online. You must be able to know that potential buyers have access to your page. is for instance translated in 9 languages to increase your sales chances and get more than 200,000 visitors per month.

Online marketplaces now offer simple and convenient solutions for buying and selling these machines on an international scale. They offer a wide range of models dedicated to all sectors of activity such as woodworking, packaging, food processing, textiles, printing and many others.

Read also:  Promoting an auction of industrial assets: how to create a good web banner?

2. Show as Much of Your Machine as Possible

You want to sell your used machinery to a high-quality buyer, so you must be able to provide as much information as you can, to avoid doubts from buyers, questions that will make you waste time, and above all, to highlight your machine.

So, how to do it?

  • complete description: many buyers are looking for highly technical information
  • Quality photos: a picture is worth a thousand words
  • Quality videos: so you’re able to show your machine in operation which is a huge advantage in the eyes of future buyers.

The goal is to inspire potential buyers from the very beginning.

3. Be Sure That Your Machinery Is in Good Condition

It is likely that the potential buyer decides to visit you to see your machine and inspect it, or to conduct an online inspection. Even if you have excellent photos and videos, you want to avoid bad surprises and disputes later if the deal is made.

For this, you can perform an inspection or perform an overhauling of the machine.

4. Be Transparent

This tip is related to the previous point, but we want to highlight it. It’s indeed very important. You recently changed something on your machine? Or a part is damaged and must be repaired although the machine is working very well. This transparency will show your seriousness to buyers who will trust you more and might contact you for more information.

5. Sell Your Machine throughout the Year

Every year, the demand for industrial equipment continues to grow. No need to wait for a specific season or month. You might need money as soon as possible to pay your new one, so why waiting?

If you complete the first four points, you can go anytime. If you wait too long, a potential buyer may be interested in a competing seller and you will lose your chance.

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