alphabet blogHave you ever wanted to write articles about the manufacturing industry and equipment?

It’s now possible to publish them on one of the most important blogs in this industry thanks to our “write for us” program! Let your imagination speak and propose your articles to our publishers today.

But before starting, you probably have several questions like how does it work concretely? What are the instructions to follow to get your article published? What do I get in return for a publication on the Exapro Hub? Let’s look together at the main point of our guidelines.

Why writing for us?

To begin, the Exapro Hub exists since the beginning of 2017 and is now read monthly by thousands of visitors from all over the world. Thanks to a great visibility and quality content, the blog became more and more popular and attractive on the web.

Proposing new articles is a way for you to share your tips and experience (but also your opinion as long as your article is valuable) to a large audience. In return, the Exapro Hub gives you all the credits, visibility on the web and shares on social media. Our team of specialist will make sure to optimize your article and to publish it as soon as possible.

What can you write about?

If you’re familiar with the blog, you already know the topics can range from manufacturing trends to best advice during a selling process. If you think a new topic could fit, feel free to send us your idea with some explanation and let’s talk about it. We are also looking for case studies, opinion and ultimate guides related to this industry.

Read also:  Doosan Machine Tools

How should you write your article?

Whether it’s your first article or not on the web, we highly recommend you to check our guidelines on our dedicated page “write for us” to get more information about our publication policy. The idea is for you to save time on our exchange and make sure your article is published on time. Be informed we don’t accept articles that directly promote a company or a product.

When can I send my article?

You can start today! After checking our guidelines, write your article of 600 words minimum in a Google Doc and send it to our editorial team. We will come back to you as soon as possible with our feedback and suggestions. Once published, you can come back at any time to us if an information is out-dated or missing.

Are you exciting about publishing an article on the Exapro Hub? Thanks to you, people will get information and help, but also traffic to your website if you own one.

Feel free to check our page and get more details about it and the way to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing back from you soon and to start a collaboration.

Let’s spread your articles to the world!


Thank you for reading our articles, stay informed about the industrial world and Exapro by following us on Exapro HubFacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.

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