Conceived as a Mass-Production tecnique, it is now becoming a miracle of Innovation and Technology. It is of general knowledge that the plastic industry is one of the fastest growing in the world, presenting a constant growth […]
How machinery works
Thermoforming: unknown but ubiquitous process of manufacturing plastic

Plastic thermoforming (also called vacuum forming) is one of the forming techniques used in industry for the production of plastic parts such as yogurt pots, packaging, cups… The technique is quite simple. It consists in taking a […]
The increasing relevance of plastic recycling
Plastics are ubiquitous in homes, cars, medicine… They are used for packaging, electronics or even in the sports field. Rugged, lightweight, economical and recyclable plastics have become an essential and indispensable element of our lives. In a […]
The extrusion process of transforming plastic materials
Hello everybody, After a few times away, EXApro team is back ! Here a quick presentation about the extrusion process. Extrusion is applicable to several materials: metal, rubber, composite materials… In this article, we will focus mainly […]
The great history of machine-tools
Exapro was initially founded for machine-tools users that’s why we will try have an overview of the history of these machines. First, let’s define what a machine-tool is: it’s a machine that can hold a tool and […]
The world of industrial robots
Robots are industrial tools widely used nowadays. More than one million are working throughout the world, mainly in Asia (50%), Europe (31%) and North America (14%). But what is an industrial robot after all? It generally has […]
Principle of operation of a lathe – how does this machine work?

After explaining the principle of plastics extrusion, let’s look today at how a lathe is working and what is workable with this kind of machine. First of all, what is lathing? Lathing is the operation of using […]
Plastic injection: a moulding process with injection moulding machines

Plastic injection, also called plastic moulding is a process involving thermoplastic. It consists in shaping a piece of plastic by first heating the material and then soften it before injecting it into a mould with a press. Finally, […]