msv brno exaproThe annual International Engineering Fair (MSV) was held in Brno, the capital of Moravia between 07 – 11 October. Exapro was there to meet the exhibitors and took a chance to bring you some news on the machines market. One of the exhibitors was a well know manufacturer – Dr. Boy GmbH, represented in Brno by the Czech distributor of the brand – 1. Plastcompany spol. s.r.o.

The main focus of the stand that was to be found in the G1 pavillon was a new model of the successful XS line of a injection moulding machines by BOY. We asked the representative, Michal Mihalík why they decided to present this model over the others:

“The XS series is the smallest machine in our portfolio. It has been very successful in the past few years and became sort of a flag model for BOY in terms of applied innovations. It also represents the specific target the company is specialized in (and is a world leader in), namely the injection moulding machines below 1000 kN clamping force. Moreover this model uses some of our latest improvements like the new control – Procan ALPHA ® 2”

What are the upgrades of this control panel over the previous version?

“First of all we were very proud with the previous version, nevertheless we felt that there was still a room for development and making the panel even better. First of all, we implemented new 15” display, which is considerably bigger than the one of the previous version. Moreover now it is built in PCT technology, which means it works the same way as the displays of the modern communication devices like smartphones. From the practical point of view for the user that means easier control and no need of recalibration of the screen. It has been also equipped with the less energy consuming processor, and context-sensitive buttons. Of course the controller is used in the bigger machines as well.”

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boy xs seriesWhat are the other strengths of this model, making it a better choice than the machines of different brands?

“Definitely the first thing is the extreme compactness of the design. Keeping all the advantages of bigger machines the new XS requires no more than 0.75 m2 in your production hall, which is far the best result in this segment. Moreover as all the new models of BOY the machine is extremely energy-efficient. This plus the clamping force of 100 kN makes the XS an ultimate choice in case you need micro injection moulding machine”.

You mentioned the energy efficiency. Is it something that you try to target in your injection moulding machines with a bigger clamping force as well?

“Yes, definitely. The new E series machines are also very economical. We managed to decrease the energy consumption by implementing a hydraulic drive system, which offers much lower energy consumption than any all-electric solution.”

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