Let’s come back to the robots category with a selection of the brand Wittmann specialized in the plastic industry. We provide you a selection of used robots from the manufacturer on exapro.com. Do no hesitate to consult our catalogue to see the available products !

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Two companies, one group

The Wittmann Battenfeld group is a manufacturer of robots, from Austria, specialized in the plastic industry. Resulting from the merger of the society Battenfeld and Wittmann in 2008, the group kept winning markets all around the world, establishing production units on the three continents : France, Austria, Czech Republic, Canada, India, Brazil and the list goes on and on. But, this is in France where the production of grinders and moulds are concentrated. The watchwords of the group are innovation, reliability and performance. Let’s examine what the group provides more carefully.

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Variety and adaptability

Wittmann products are renowned for providing to the plastic industry ‘s professionals a large selection of robots and automation systems for the most diversified requests. Besides, the manufacturer keeps improving its products by providing the most performing and innovative machines to its customers. It renews its offers regularly, investing important amounts in development and research.

The main product of the group, concerning robots, are undoubtedly the 8 serie, which enables a save of space thanks to the integrated cupboard in the back of the horizontal axis. This system enables to patch electrical connections for a direct control of the peripheral equipment. But, most of the other products are available as the IML robotic serie for standardized solutions.

See the offers of Wittmann robots

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