pharmaceutical industryThe nowadays chemical industry is one of the fastest developing industry sectors. As a stable player on the market with used machines, we would like to provide you a basic inside into the market, introduce some characteristics of this field from our perspective and mention several brands that are often requested by our customers.

The chemical sector

Chemical industry has a long tradition in Europe and the current situation on the European market is positive despite the economical crisis. This is due to the growing number of sellers in Europe and also thanks to the important role of European companies on the global market. However, emerging manufacturers, especially from the Asian countries, are reaching the market. Such companies are then able to manufacture with lower production costs and might be important competitors for the European companies in the future. In reaction to this turbulence some of the European companies are moving their manufactories outside of Europe to be able to produce with lower costs and to avoid losing their strong  position on the market in the future.

An important part of the whole chemical industry is the pharmaceutical sector. Machines used in the  pharmaceutical industry are widely requested by our customers, which might be caused by the strong demand for drugs of all kind of use in nowadays society. The fact that the demand for drugs is not only strong at the moment but also quite inelastic also, explains the growth of the industry in these years of economical crisis. Another big advantage of the chemical industry is its link to other industry sectors, especially to the packaging industry.

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Important machines manufacturers on the chemical sector

The greatest concentration of pharmaceutical companies in Europe might be found in Italy and Germany. However, the biggest pharmaceutical groups on the market are two American companies Pfizer and Merck or a Swiss company Novartis. Taking into account the breadth of the sector it is difficult to choose the most important brands of chemical machines. When we look at the best selling machines on our website, we might mention several companies such as Killian, Manesty and Marchesini. If you were interested in the complete list of machines we offer on our website, have a look on Exapro.

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