buying machine from overseasWhether you’re the end user or dealer of industrial machinery, you can benefit from purchasing your next machine online. Used industrial machinery market has been booming for the past decade and, what’s more important, it brings new possibilities to machinery buyers.

The global range of online machinery deals means you can buy used industrial machine from anywhere in the world. Buying machine from overseas however has certain regulations which are to be taken into consideration before closing the deal with the seller. Depending on your knowledge, you can make your next machinery deal profitable or not.

Global Possibilities

Global online industrial machinery market brings forward global possibilities. When focusing on buying and selling machinery locally, you will be limiting yourself to a fraction out of a variety of global opportunities.

Your local machinery market is limited to a certain number of offers, while global market is truly unlimited. At a global market, you can choose from thousands of machines based on their price, condition, manufacturer or even location. When buying globally, you have a much better chance of getting the best purchase price for the injection moulding machine or printing machine your business is currently in need of.

Buying Machine From Overseas – Benefits

The phenomenon of buying machine from overseas has a simple explanation. The whole international buying-selling process is regulated by a rule of supply and demand.

As an example, a huge industrial plant manufacturing plastic parts gets closed in Poland. This represents a great opportunity for worldwide buyers to purchase used equipment for plastic extrusion and pay less than they would pay for the same machines to a local seller.

Used industrial equipment from Europe is much valued in the majority of developing countries. European machinery stands is usually of high quality and better maintained during the production cycle.

Buying Machine From Overseas – Things to consider

While there are undoubted benefits of buying machine from overseas both for end machinery users and machinery dealers, certain points are to be taken into consideration before diving into the world of buying used machines globally. Global machinery market is an online marketplace, which means the deal will be closed remotely.

Read also:  Exapro will guide you when purchasing used Machinery - Part I

Bringing a lot of opportunities, it also brings along a set of challenges. Nevertheless, those challenges are easily overcome with gained knowledge and experience.

Find a trustworthy partner

At first, you might be tempted to do it all by yourself to maximize your profit from the machinery deal. Remember, though, that the high risk of a scam is not worth taking. Buying your machine from a trusted marketplace with good reputation will save you a great deal of trouble.

For instance, Exapro works on a win-win principle. Our machines come from trustworthy partners, our agents are in touch with the seller and help you close the deal, making sure you get the best possible price for your machine. Specializing in used industrial machinery, we’re the industry experts with experience in overseas deals and shipping.

Shipping costs

Shipping your machine from seller’s warehouse is the next necessary step. Shipping machinery overseas is the part where you can lose or save money. Finding the right shipping provider can help you reduce shipping and delivery costs and save thousands of dollars.

The most common misconception at this stage is not to consider all shipping options there are. Often, buyers will only look at the closest ports, however, port fees are not the same everywhere. So considering loading/unloading points within a broader range can save reduce shipping costs big time.


Together with shipping arrangements comes the necessity to insure your machine. This is the necessary costs which can save you from any future expense. Accidents can happen any time, especially during the shipping process when machine needs to be dismantled, loaded and unloaded. When taking care of insurance, consider whether it covers the shipping process together with the time frame when machine will be in operation again.

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