packaging machinery market trendsToday, high-quality packaging is of great importance for consumer confidence in products. Evaluating products at a first glance, buyers pay great attention to packaging. Besides, constant increase in volumes and production rates of consumer goods is typical for the modern economy. These factors combined together result in the rising demand for packaging of the highest quality. Therefore, the modern market of packaging equipment and packaging has become one of the most competitive markets in the world economy.

Trends in the development of the packaging

When speaking of the most recent trends for packaging and packaging equipment market within European countries, both domestic and imported equipment is in demand. Importing machines within EU is considered a rather simple process. Yet, European customers can choose from a much broader range of suppliers with global machinery marketplaces like Exapro. Global market is allowing to pick the best machines produced worldwide to ensure top quality of the end product. Most popular suppliers of packaging machines come from Germany, Italy and Denmark.

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Improving the quality of packaging

The greater competition in the packaging market makes manufacturers constantly improve its quality. The main task of the world packaging market today is to reduce the weight of packages. That is why the cardboard boxes are replaced by shrink film, and glass bottles with plastic (and sometimes even recycled plastic). Strength characteristics of such a package meet the requirements of consumers, but the price of its production and transportation is significantly reduced.

Eco-friendly packaging

Year to year, environmental requirements for packaging become more strict making an opportunity for the use of recyclable materials. Perhaps, one day the packaging of the future would be called environmentally friendly packaging. Special emphasis on such “green” packaging is put in the Western countries.  Manufacturers seek to replace polypropylene with raw materials which have a shorter decay period. In some developing countries though polypropylene still keeps the leading position among packaging materials. However, environmental requirements constantly put pressure on the packaging industry manufacturers motivating them to improve the quality of packaging equipment to make it more eco-friendly.

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Main consumers of the packaging products

  • Food industry. The main consumer of package growling is the food industry. Especially strict requirements apply to the packaging of food products. The packaging of food and beverages accounts for about 60% of the total volume of packaging produced worldwide. Therefore, an increase in demand for packaging equipment is expected in this industry. Constantly growing competition forces manufacturers to improve the quality of manufactured goods. More and more manufacturers from various industries purchase modern technological packaging equipment, which allows preserving all the qualities of the goods.
  • Pharmaceutical industry. A fifth of all packaging equipment is purchased by the pharmaceutical industry. Demand for pharmaceutical products is not subject to economic downturns and fluctuations. Therefore, the demand for quality packaging for this industry only increases over time.
  • Chemical products. The next largest demand after the food and pharmaceutical industry is the packaging of chemical products. Packaging of the textile and woodworking industry is becoming increasingly popular. After all, without packaging, these goods often reach consumers in an inappropriate state.

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