laser cutting machinesMetal cutting is a process requiring higher labor input as well as higher level of responsibility. In majority of cases, rather complex shapes need to be cut out of a metal sheet or cast alloy. For such processing, laser cutting machines are used, which allow for the most difficult and most accurate cuts to be made in accordance with the drawing.

The field of application of laser cutting machines is very wide, they are installed both at large industrial sites and in private workshops, since the cutting process is fully automated, low-cost, and controlled by software. To understand all the advantages of these machines and explain their high popularity, we will consider in further details the principle of operation and the results obtained from laser cutting.

Use of laser cutting machines

Laser machines are used for manufacturing such types of parts:

  • Molds and finished parts for various types of production;
  • Spare parts for production of shelves, clothing racks and stands;
  • Stencils;
  • Signboards;
  • Letters;
  • Complex elements of forged products;
  • Interior decorations and their individual parts.

Used laser cutting machines

Working principle of the laser cutting machine

Laser cutting machines influence on the metal is localized, the concentrated beam heats the surface to the melting point, after which the material evaporates at the cutting site along with the products of melting. With the aid of an auxiliary gas, which enters the cutting zone along with the laser beam, the combustion of the metal is supported, which significantly reduces the energy consumption and time required for the cutting. As an auxiliary gas, oxygen, argon or compressed air is used, it is also possible to use other gases. At the cut location, the structure of the material remains practically unchanged, which makes it possible to avoid additional processing of the parts, all the sections are smooth and smooth, without chips, jags, junctions and other defects.

Read also:  Machine overhaul and retrofit

Advantages of laser cutting machines

Machines that perform metal cutting with a laser have several advantages over other metal processing methods.  Laser cutting machines have adjustable power of laser radiation, which significantly increases the productivity of the process. For example, with a laser diameter of 2.5 mm, holes with a diameter of up to 5 mm can be created. Such treatment is amenable to soft and easily deformable materials, when cutting, it is possible to achieve maximum compliance with the drawing, this ensures a complete cohesion of all parts in the finished product. In addition, all the work of the units is automated, it is controlled by the operator with the help of special software, this minimizes the influence of the human factor on the result.

Why use industrial laser cutting machines

Since machines and devices for laser cutting allow you to cut any complexity, they are simply indispensable in production. These units perform the cut as accurately as possible, after they are used, the finished parts and products do not need to be further processed, since their edges are very smooth and smooth.

You can assign any trajectory to the moving laser head, which makes it possible to manufacture complex shape parts with maximum accuracy. It is advantageous to produce such items and their fragments in such a way, since the volumes of lots do not significantly affect the cost of the processing process, which significantly lowers the cost of production. Also, finished goods and their parts do not require additional processing, which is also economically beneficial for enterprises of different scales.


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