how to sell used machineryBeing in manufacturing business means relying on industrial equipment on a day-to-day basis. Production in large volumes requires a certain number of machines operating in your production plant at once. However, times change and in a few years time you could be looking to improve your technical equipment or you could even change the field of business completely needing to buy all machinery from scratch. So in today’s post we would like to the important topic of how to sell used machinery in large quantities.

Sell Your Machines Online

The most obvious way how to sell used machinery is to place your machines on offer online. The modern age puts an emphasis on online marketplaces with online trade taking the majority of used machinery deals worldwide. The benefits of online machinery trade are obvious: opportunity to reach out to buyers around the world, unlimited possibilities and constantly increasing number of potential clients. Exapro also works on a principle of an online marketplace where machines can be added by clients for free with no further restrictions.

How to Add Machines

Based on our experience in the used machinery market, here is how you can add your machines to the online marketplace:

  • By hand
  • Or send a list of machines to designated email address

In case of Exapro, we also offer sellers of used machinery both possibilities. Plus we provide a detailed overview on how to sell used machinery with Exapro. As a seller, you can add your machines any time simply by filling in a product description form and attaching pictures of the machines in the end. The offer will be approved and then added to a designated product category of Exapro online catalog.

Exapro also has a designated email where you can send your machinery offer. If you prefer to use this option, don’t hesitate to contact us and our agents will take care of adding the offers on Exapro.

Used Machinery Auction

Auction field has also become very popular in terms of used machinery sales. Generally, there are 2 types of machinery auctions: unreserved and reserved.

Unreserved auction – could be both live or online – is one of the most suitable methods to sell large quantities of industrial equipment quickly. There are no minimum bids or set reserve prices. Auction items are simply sold to the highest bidder. This way you can dispose large numbers of used machinery really quickly. Potential buyers also find unreserved auctions highly attractive since they get a better chance of purchasing the equipment they need for a favorable price.

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Reserved auction. This type of auction presumes that a seller would place a hidden reserve price on each machine he would like to sell. Otherwise, potential buyers place bids on items just like in any other auction. However, if the buyer’s highest bid is less than seller’s desired selling price, seller has the right to reject the highest bid. Reserved auction are beneficial for sellers, since they are certain their machines will not be sold for a lower price. Yet, there is no guarantee their equipment will be sold at all and that could be a long-term process.

Reliable Auction Partners

As a used machinery seller we’ve built partnerships with a few auction houses. Here are our partners we could highly recommend in case you choose to sell your machines on an auction basis:

  • BVA
  • Troostwijk
  • Equipnet
  • Auctelia

To our newsletter subscribers we also regularly send out best online auction offers. If you’re interested to receive such offers into your mailbox, subscribe to Exapro newsletter. You can do so by entering your email address on our website and clicking Subscribe button.

Selling Equipment Privately

Private machinery sale still remains a common way to dispose industrial equipment. Selling used machines privately means as a seller you reach out to potential buyers through advertising your machines or contacting partners in your business network. This method while proving to be rather effective is also known to be very time consuming and requiring high financial input.

Weigh up all your chances before you put a large quantity of machines for sale. And remember, you can always try out Exapro – our service is free and non-exclusive, which means you can still sell your machine privately or auction it while having it listed in our online catalog.

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