Injection moulding machines manufacturersMachines for plastic injection also known as injection moulding machines belong to the top selling products on Exapro global trading platform. In Exapro online catalog, buyers can find all the biggest names and the most popular brands of injection moulding machines. For better orientation and smoother buyers’ experience, we prepared an overview of the best manufacturers for plastic machinery market. 

Battenfeld injection molding machines

Wittmann Battenfeld or Battenfeld for short is the worldwide manufacturer of plastic processing machines with headquarters in Austria, Vienna. Battenfeld product range is truly impressive – from toggle machines to electric and hydraulic machinery. At a quick glance, Battenfeld injection molding machinery can fit any budget and most precise requirements. For instance, hydraulic injection moulding machines by Battenfeld have impressive space-saving design and can be used for the most precise kind of operations. Battenfeld portfolio also contains micro injection molding equipment which is ideal for the production of microinjection molding parts and is highly economical.

Used IMM for Sale

Engel injection moulding machine

In the world of injection molding, Engel brand stands for high precision and best quality. Engel product portfolio has an injection moulding machine for any, even the most strict, budget application. Being a global market leader of a plastic market, Engel offers injection molding machines with clamping force range from 280 kN to 55,000 kN. Injection moulding machines by Engel come in various solutions, such as hydraulic or fully electric, vertical or horizontal. The most popular Engel product series are duo and victory.

Duo injection moulding machines are powerful tools for manufacturing of large plastic parts. Besides the high power, they have a rather compact size and flexible machine layout which means the machine can fit in any warehouse.

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Engel victory machines are highly reliable and energy efficient. Thanks to decreased energy consumption, they represent one of the favorite universal models of injection moulding machines.

Arburg moulding machines

Very first Arburg injection moulding machine was developed back in the 1950s. Arburg is a company with decades of experience in the production of plastics machinery. What does Arburg product portfolio have to offer? Buyers can choose from a few product series, such as electric machines, hydraulic machines, hybrid machines, vertical machines and cube-mould machines. As you can see, the product range variety is standard for plastics machinery manufacturer on a global scale. Arburg Allrounder injection moulding machines are a synonym of the highest reliability, efficiency, and quality of the produced parts.

Injection moulding machine Ferromatik

As a brand of injection moulding machines, Ferromatik was founded in Germany in 1956. Since the year 1993, it belongs under an American company group, Milacron. Ferromatik series is based on the latest know-how in plastics machinery sector. Ferromatik injection moulding machines or Milacron F-series can be built in 3 different configurations which are all-electric, hybrid or hydraulic. Apart from F-series, there are several other product lines in Ferromatik IMM portfolio. Injection moulding machines by Ferromatik come in 9 sizes which allows customizing IMM to the buyer’s production needs. All machinery from F-series is highly reliable, fast but quiet and also exceptionally energy-saving. Manufacturer recommends using Ferromatik machines to produce various plastic parts from tiny components to large workpieces. Consumer goods, medical sector or packaging industry can equally benefit from the use of Milacron Ferromatik equipment.


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