foundry machines definitionThe foundry process works like this : metals are cast into shapes by melting them into a liquid, pouring the metal in a mold, and removing the mold material or casting after the metal has solidified as it cools.

The most common metals processed are aluminium and cast iron.

However, other metals, such as bronze, steel, magnesium, copper, tin, and zinc, are also used to produce castings in foundries.

Here are the main processes of foundry machines and their definiction:

Definition of casting process for foundry machines

It involves pouring liquid metal into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowing it to cool and solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out of the mold to complete the process.

Casting is most often used for making complex shapes that would be difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods.

Definition of melting process for foundry machines

Melting is performed in a furnace. Virgin material, external scrap, internal scrap, and alloying elements are used to charge the furnace. Virgin material refers to commercially pure forms of the primary metal used to form a particular alloy. Alloying elements are either pure forms of an alloying element, like electrolytic nickel, or alloys of limited composition, such as ferroalloys or master alloys.

Definition of mold making process for foundry machines

Mold making – in the casting process a pattern is made in the shape of the desired part. Simple designs can be made in a single piece or solid pattern. More complex designs are made in two parts, called split patterns.

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A split pattern has a top or upper section, called a cope, and a bottom or lower section called a drag. Both solid and split patterns can have cores inserted to complete the final part shape. Cores are used to create hollow areas in the mold that would otherwise be impossible to achieve. Where the cope and drag separates is called the parting line.

Definition of heat treating process for foundry machines

Heat treating is a group of industrial and metalworking processes used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. The most common application is metallurgical. Heat treatments are also used in the manufacture of many other materials, such as glass.

Heat treatment involves the use of heating or chilling, normally to extreme temperatures, to achieve a desired result such as hardening or softening of a material.

Definition of finishing process for foundry machines

Finishing – the final step in the process usually involves grinding, sanding, or machining the component in order to achieve the desired dimensional accuracies, physical shape and surface finish.

If you are looking for a machine mentioned above, do not hesitate to check our used foundry machines.

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