“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. We’ve all heard this idiom. It’s now time to forget it as we’re going to speak about machine maintenance.

You might work every day as an operator, engineer, or you’ve just bought your new industrial machine, and you’re concerned about this process, right?

However, if you’re still deciding between buying a new machine or a used machine, go read our article “Advantages and disadvantages of buying a new machinery“. This will bring a lot of useful information on this topic.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying new machinery

Whatever who you are, there is one sure thing you must know: don’t wait until it’s too late and expensive for your company. Check and fix anything on it. You could be surprised about what you could find.

“Safety first”. Another one we all know.

Keeping machinery in good condition is very important to maintain a good-performing level of productivity but also a high-level of security for the operators. No one wants an accident to happen.

So what is industrial machine maintenance about? Let’s go back together to the basics and check some tips to help you.

What is preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance?

Machinery maintenance is basically working on necessary actions for restoring and retaining a piece of machine, equipment or system, in order to maximize its useful life.

The process is divided into two kinds of maintenance: corrective and preventive.

Preventive maintenance is a process that aims to ensure optimal working conditions and conserve the lifespan of your machinery. A well planned preventive maintenance avoids emergency repairs and replacements.

Corrective maintenance consists of identifying, isolating, and rectifying a fault so that the failed machine, equipment, or system can be restored to an operational condition.

Read also:  How to Sell Used Machinery in Large Quantities

How do you maintain your industrial machine?

If you’re familiar with the Exapro Hub blog, you’ve probably read our article “Overhauling of a machine: what does it mean?“. We explained the benefits of this process and its stages to prevent your machines from wearing down and failing. If not, feel free to read them and come back to this page.

Overhauling of a machine: what does it mean?

Then, we encourage you to read our article called “5 tips to extend the life of used machinery“. This will help you avoid irreversible damage and additional costs.

5 tips to extend the life of used machinery

These are different steps and tips to perform a proper maintenance:

  • Make sure you’ve read the technical manuals and understood the equipment and controls
  • Plan a preventive maintenance
  • Perform basic diagnostic tests to detect minor problems
  • Perform some tests and run some initial batches to make sure the machine is running smoothly
  • Disassemble the machinery and the equipment once the problem has been detected and isolated
  • Repair or replace the broken or malfunctioning components
  • Adjust and calibrate equipment and machinery to optimal specifications
  • Determine whether major repairs are needed by testing malfunctioning machinery
  • Lubricate and clean the machine or equipment

“If it ain’t broke, fix it” should be the new way to go.

Thanks to a regular machine maintenance, your machinery and equipment required for your production is 100% efficiency at all times.

What are your suggestions for a 100% efficient machinery maintenance?

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