industrial auction sale promotion advertisingPromotion is a key step when preparing an auction sale. The reason is simple: the more people the more bids!

Therefore, the decision of promoting this kind of event is important; three aspects have to be considered:

– the relevant audience,
– the channels to reach this target,
– the tools used to success.

As obvious as it sounds, these aspects are not taken into consideration very often and in some cases the chosen strategy is not the most effective.

In order to define well one’s audience, meaning who is going to bid, it is essential not only to know its market and its products but also to use every given possibilities for communication and prospecting. To cover all the alternatives, the best solution is to advertise. In our current example, the audience will usually be specialized and small (compared with the audience of a campaign for sales in a mall for example).

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Once the target is defined, it’s time to make contact with it. That’s when the advertising channels have to be chosen. The idea here is to determine where the ads can be seen. For an auction sale of industrial equipment, the best channel will be the Internet. Indeed, it offers highly specific targeting possibilities which will be very useful for that kind of promotion. Specialized website like

Exapro will turn to be the best means for a successful campaign.

The last step is to select the tools that will make the promotion of this industrial auction a success. Here, we are talking about web banners, text insertions in newsletters, or partnerships programs. It is possible to combine several tools to maximize the chances of success.

You can find more details about industrial promotion and advertising with Exapro on our website or contact us.

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