heidelberg machine for saleBrand name Heidelberg is familiar to anyone involved in printing industry. Heidelberg commercial printing machines have conquered the printing market long time ago, since the company is proud of more than 160 years tradition. Manufacturing of printing equipment proved Heidelberg to be a reliable partner always ready to introduce innovative solutions for its highly valued customers. Currently, Heidelberg has a 40% market share for offset presses which allows to achieve impressive financial goals (e.g. 2.5 billion euros in financial year 2016/2017).

Heidelberg for Sale

Company Strategy

For any printing industry expert planning to search for Heidelberg machine for sale, it’s good to have an idea about the strategy Heidelberg is approaching. Company’s goal is to become a sustainably profitable enterprise. Furthermore, as the technical progress is dictating certain conditions, Heidelberg keeps its focus towards digitalization of the printing industry. Current motto “Heidelberg goes digital!” speaks for itself. Digitization means using presses and software to deliver information for digital business. Thanks to advanced software, printing machines are able to interact with one another providing higher efficiency and productivity, while minimizing human factor faults.

Heidelberg machine for sale

Heidelberg product portfolio contains a great variety of printing equipments: from digital printing solutions through screen printing and label printing to offset printing machines. When looking for a Heidelberg machine for sale, clients can stumble upon a number of models fitting the most demanding price range. Heidelberg’s biggest specialty and one of the best selling items are, however, offset printing machines or offset printers which are also referred to as sheetfed offset.

Heidelberg offset printing

Sheetfed offset printing machine portfolio by Heidelberg is one of the most comprehensive on the market. Tailor-made solutions are available for every aspect of printing business allowing to fulfill even the most demanding requirements. When it comes to basic models of offset printers, Heidelberg offers Speedmaster SX series and CX series presses. However, there is no need to rely on the basic model line only. Peak Performance class has been introduced specifically to cover the needs of the most demanding clients. Peak performance models guarantee top level productivity with small- to large-size printing formats. In all Heidelnerg printing machine series, systems of color measurement are linked to printing industry standards. This fact allows to guarantee color stability and consistent results. For instance, Prinect Press Center 2 and XL 2 models assure the maximum speed and convenience of the printing process. High performance is what’s dearly valued in commercial printing industry and Heidelberg machines provide exactly that.

Read also:  Used Machine Tools

Heidelberg printing machines on Exapro

On Exapro, you can find Heidelberg machines under Printing category. The majority of offered products are offset printing presses of 2,3,4 and more colors. However, buyers can also stumble upon binding and folding machines by Heidelberg brand. Used Heidelberg printing machines are very attractive to international buyers thanks to affordable prices and good condition of machines. Furthermore, printing machines can be filtered by their location and year of manufacture allowing to fit into every budget. Commercial printing companies appreciate Exapro’s professional approach and transparent communication, any buyer in the world can get advantage of it by simply visiting Exapro.

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