electronique industrieFor 2014, Exapro carries on with news ! For more than 10 years, Exapro has been striving to offer you second hand industrial machines meeting your needs and expectations. In an improvement logic of its catalogue’s offer, Exapro is proud to present you today the new sector we have decided to develop: the market of the industrial machines for the electronics.

Why electronics ?

Electronics are nowadays part of our daily life, with the so-called “consumer electronics”, from household appliances to smartphones, laptops, tablets or from cars to hospital equipment… A large number of us could not even think about living without these new technologies that ease, help and improve our everyday life. The electronics market includes a wide variety of industrial machines enabling these devices to be functional. These last ones correspond to the different elements and electronics components’ production through the printed circuit production and assembly process as well as the semiconductor equipment. For instance, the printed circuits are destined to be included in any kind of electronics’ devices such as our laptops or smartphones.

The boom of the electronic sector

Few years ago, and in particular due to the new technologies’ boom, this sector made a step forward and has become one of the most buoyant market at the international level, most notably in Asia, North America and Europe ! The permanent evolution of the sector and the demand always higher for electronic devices boost the production or assembly machines’ market. Despite the permanent evolution of the sector leading to almost routine adaptation of the production or assembly machines, the figures are more than reassuring.

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electronics in the world

Indeed, according to the SIA (Semiconductor Industry Association) and according to the WSTS statistics (World Semiconductor Trade Statistics), the semiconductor sector broke a new record in 2013 with an increase of 4,8% (or 305,6 billion of dollars) of its global sales compared to 2012. These figures indicate a nice 2014 year.

In order to offer you a complete choice of used machines Exapro has decided to integrate this new sector to our catalogue exapro.com. So as to do it, different categories have been created enabling a quick selection of the offer meeting your customer’s needs. Feel free to subscribe to our website exapro.com and publish easily and for free your electronics machines on our online catalogue!


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