In the History of the Auctioning World – part 1, we learned about auction history by uncovering the history of traditional auctions. The evolution of auctions has come a long way since 500 BC. The History of […]
In the History of the Auctioning World – part 1, we learned about auction history by uncovering the history of traditional auctions. The evolution of auctions has come a long way since 500 BC. The History of […]
From Ancient Greece to WWII, there is a long, colorful auction and bidding history that follows technological developments and cultural trends around the world. Today, the most popular and accessible way to bid on items ranging from […]
Auctions have been around since the dawn of economies, but, like the economy, they are evolving with the rise of technology and globalization. Traditional auctions are becoming less common as modern auctions take over the scene. There […]
The future is here, people! Gone are the days of having to hook up a trailer to your truck, scout out local auctions, hope you find the piece of machinery you need at a price you are […]